Aisha, with her heart full of courage, marched ahead, leading her rescue team towards a deserted mansion located on the outskirts of the Kingdom. The place was silent and lifeless, with a creepy atmosphere that sent shivers down the spine. The broken wooden fragments, blood spills all around the land, and paint peeling off the walls were a clear indication of the horrors that lay within. Despite the horror, Aisha's determination remained unwavering, as she had come here to rescue those girls, and she wouldn't leave without accomplishing her mission. By looking into her eyes one can see that she is here for justice for those girls. The rescue team was divided into three separate parts, each with a specific task. Team A, led by Avinash, would enter from the backside, while Team B, led by Vivaan, would enter from the left entry of the mansion. Aisha's team, Team C, would enter from the front, bracing themselves for whatever lay ahead.
The mansion was quickly surrounded by rescue teams. Upon observing the area, they determined that the men present were either not indigenous or there were only a few of them. This made it easier to safely rescue the girls.

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